
goddess fbook profile

Ένα χρόνο μετά την πρώτη του έκδοση, το βιβλίο που αγαπήθηκε από χιλιάδες αναγνώστες και ταξίδεψε σε όλη την Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο επιστρέφει και επανακυκλοφορεί σε ψηφιακή έκδοση!

Έντυπη Έκδοση

Ψηφιακή Έκδοση

Light Portal 10:10:10 - The Sacred Union of the Twin Flame!

Beloved Light workers of truth of the Divine, I speak in the heart of each one now. I transmit the flame of Love, the one which burns alive in the kingdoms of truth, beyond any illusion. I speak to you honestly; this is the essence of your heart. This is the source of your being; this is the light that is guiding you. This is the light you will shine, you beloved ones.

We come now forward with Jesus, brining the new truth within the consciousnesses of people now as never before. The Christ Child with the code name Thamar, is coming now forward and will play a big and important role this year in circumstances and facts while the new Christ consciousness will be born in the hearts of men (/women) which will be growing with rapid rhythms.

When we were traveling with Yeshua outside Israel, creating the field of the heart, expressing this secret marriage (that period on earth), this sacred union within our own hearts and then expressing it, radiating it out to the students (of Yeshua) and to people; people were accepting this flame – essence much more directly and fast. The students needed first to understand it in a deeper level because there was an issue there! A matter with female leadership. Something that is coming to the front this year, in this time-space frame you live in. So the completion and the teaching are related with the sacred union and the twin flame (this year).

Light Portal (10:10:10) | The Sacred Union of the Twin Flame!

These energies will become more intense with the establishment of all of these flames on Earth on the 10th of October 2010. The Light Portal will open and the radiation of Light and Love through the heart of the Divine will touch every heart that pulses on the truth of its twin flame. Have faith and trust beloved ones; while the anointment of your heart will be completed and will be connected with the anointment of the mind in order to be able to think and visualize whatever you truly want in your life, because beloved ones, life is a gift to live it and not a battle to win.


So I come forward now with Yeshua, Thamar, Master Hilarion, Saint Germain and I enfold you now with blessings, I broider your grid with the grace of His glory. Thamar comes closer bringing the joy, the new point of view, the fresh eyes which are needed now as never before because your eyes, your thoughts, your words, have been confused, now as never before. The time of “clean-up” has come.

The time of freedom has come and you need to live it, all of you who your heart listens, senses and feels. All of you of the good will, all of you who trust the Divine.

The Divine has a gift for you and this gift is always here. It is your freedom!

All souls who did their transition are found on higher fields and they help those who are in this field on the third dimension, now as never before; and your loved ones, the people you connected with in this or in other lives will come now to you, they will come close to you to support you in this opportunity portal that will open on the 10th of October 2010, to the sacred union of the heart with the twin flame of your I Am Presence. The essence of your essence. The flame of your flame with complete union. This is the one candle of all the souls. The one Home of all homes. It is the gathering, as above so below, His Glory, Her Glory, One.

Now come, let your hearts shine this Light. See the electricity created around you and see this field creating a big flame of union and love, flooding the planet with Light.

You are beloved the bringers of the new dawn. With tears of joy and reunion, I’m leaving you for now, blessed souls.

Mary Magdalene.

Channeling from Mary Magdalene through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | 3 Sep.10, Athens


Sacred Union & Secret Marriage: Sacred Rose Ceremony!

The Portal of Sacred Union 10:10:10 will open on the 10th of October 2010, so we invite you to a celebration of Light. The one-day gathering that will signal the new beginning and the birth of the new consciousness that will anchor on earth.

The Masters Jesus and Mary Magdalene bring now to us the inner teaching of the sacred marriage and twin flames. In this gathering we will share the new codes of the twin flame and the sacred union through sacred ceremonies, meditation, music and live channeling from the ascended Masters of Love, Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

May the truth of your heart bring forward the message of freedom and complete union with the Divine.

Paschalis Kazakopoulos & Frixos Christodoulou

Information for the workshop Read More!


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