Healing | Angelic Reiki


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Angelic Reiki healing is a safe and natural method to deal with many conditions. The healing energy works on the cause of the issue than the results or symptoms, weather is traced on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level.

It can be used along with traditional medicine and other alternative or holistic treatments.

Angelic Reiki is beneficial for many situations such as stress, tiredness, worries, depression and many medical diseases including aches and chronic problems.

The healing takes place with the body fully clothed, through gentle touch, while the person lies on a healing bed.

For those who cannot lie the healing can be given in a sitting position. A space opens that allows the healing energy to restore order and harmony.

Most people relax listening to the music and enjoy their healing, others may see beautiful colors or receive insights on the issue that concerns them.

The experience of each one is unique!


Angelic Reiki is applied in many situations including:


Physical, emotional, mental health issues.

Karmic and ancestral patterns.

To pregnant, babies and children.

Helps people who are in transition.

Before - after surgeries.

In states of shock, traumatic experiences, phobias.

In any other situation or aspect of life.

Angelic Reiki balances the body, alleviates the negative emotions and brings clarity to the mind, restores the flow of energy, relieves and empowers. The results of the session keep unfolding even weeks later after the healing.


Book an appointment


The Angelic Reiki session can take place at Angels House or at distance. (Telephone, skype).

1 Hour Session: 50€

For appointment contact us or book online:

