Testimonials from the Angelic Reiki workshops

A new world opened for me, a world once I imagined its existence, now I experienced it for first time. I felt the angelic energy and much more that cannot be described with words. From that moment on I started feeling the truth of the situations around me and changing along with them, specifically my fears are eliminated and I have more faith and inner peace. I’m very grateful for meeting this path.

Ourania (Athens)


An unusual, transformational, exciting and moving experience of being united with the energy of Light and Love. A body and soul cleansing that shocked and still does my whole being. For the first time I felt the energy flow in my body so intensely, so powerfully, so truly. Three revealing days I strongly recommend. Thank you Paschalis.

Stavros (Scotland)


There are no words on Earth to describe in the slightest the deep spiritual experience I’ve had in this Angelic Reiki seminar. However, I will tell you that it was liberating in a purifying way, revealing, joyous, unique, full of so many unexpected inner surprises having as a highlight the moment I reunited with my heavenly angelic friends and felt their unlimited love.

I was home again. Now I can realize what “you are never alone, you never were” means. It was such a deep experience, such a real contact that I can no longer deny it, for it is part of my truth. Two weeks after, I feel the transformational change happening in such a sweet, soft, peaceful almost silent way, just like when the sun rises. There is now light where there were some shadows left.

I have noticed that I've stopped worrying about what will happen in the future, how things will turn out etc., which means that I am not any more interested in controlling the future because I am getting more and more certain day by day – which seems to come out of nowhere but it is not – that all my needs are taken care of at the appropriate time for me and as you, Paschalis, told us everything is as it is supposed to be, there is no mistake! 

And at last I wake up in the morning full of happiness (I’ve been wondering where that sensation of vanity and emptiness which flooded me at times for years, went) feeling my body peacefully powerful after all these months I’ve been feeling so tired. In a few words, I would like to tell you that I Am Fine! I would like to thank you and all the heavenly family from the depths of my heart for all the gifts you have offered me!

Eva Tzouma (Mytilene)


This experience has been a landmark, a new beginning for my life, a journey in the depths of my being. The Angels’ presence in our life is a reality. Their Support and Love is endless. We are certainly not alone in our journey. That is what I feel every day more and more intensely, as well as all this love that overflows. A big thank you from the depths of my heart to Paschalis for the work he offers and may Christ give him the strength to go on.

Antigone (Volos)


My heart vibrates from joy after this Seminar knowing that the Higher Consciousness “works” through this channel on Earth. Love-Light and Joy on the path for ever.

Βuddhadeo (Athens)


I travelled beyond time and space. Blue, purple, magenta waves in an endless motion were accompanying me. I felt vibrations in my body and an intense numbness during the whole experience. For the first time I saw an Angel before me. I feel stronger! For a long time I had the feeling that I had no base. Today I feel there are foundations in my life! My journey in the life of earth makes sense again and perhaps there is a new destination.

Glykeria (Volos)


A journey to the Galactic Angels’ World, a journey to peacefulness, serenity, inner balance, Self Knowledge and the contact with Higher Energies, feelings that cannot be described just be experienced. Be well and may the path you have taken always be full of light!

Athanasios (Thessaloniki)


My soul received love, my personality knowledge, and my Spirit joy. I feel really blessed, that the Universe gave me the chance to experience something so powerful, true, coming from Heaven and the Angels. Thank you for your help, knowledge and most of all your Light. Thank you for helping me, through this process, to approach so beautifully and deeply spiritually the Angelic Kingdom.

Aloe (Volos)


A journey of Self Knowledge. An exploration of the limits of the self and soul. A dive in the depths of existence and recollection of the hidden treasures of faith, courage, strength and love. Recognition of the inner possibilities and their manifestation beyond natural and cognitive field. A mystic journey on the path of soul where angels assist every time your self loses courage. At the end of the tunnel the reward is the trust in the soul and love that surpasses all fears and doubts.

George (Thessaloniki)


Angelic Reiki for me was a reconnection with who I really am. The contact with our true home in the inner planes of light. An anchoring of the energies of the divine triad, love, wisdom and power in my bodies.

Paschali and Frixo, thank you for the guidance and a big thank you to the angelic kingdom and all the ascended masters for their help and the Gift they offered us.

Stefanos (Germany)


I heartfelt thank you to Paschalis and Frixos the facilitators of the seminar which took place in Thessaloniki and established the angelic vibration in the hearts of all the participants and in the energy grids of the city. Lighting up new torches of light in Greece.

Nikoforos (Thessaloniki)